Search engine companies collect the “database of intentions”, the histories of their users search queries. These search logs are a gold mine for researchers. Search engine companies, however, are wary of publishing search logs in order not to disclose sensitive information.In this paper we analyze algorithms for publishing frequent keywords, queries and clicks of a search log. We first show how methods that achieve variants of k-anonymity are vulnerable to active attacks. We then demonstrate that the stronger guarantee ensured by -differential privacy unfortunately does not provide any utility for this problem. We then propose a novel algorithm ZEALOUS and show how to set its parameters to achieve probabilistic privacy. We also contrast our analysis of ZEALOUS with an analysis that achieves in distinguish ability.Our paper concludes with a large experimental study using real applications where we compare ZEALOUS and previous work that achieves k-anonymity in search log publishing. Our results show that ZEALOUS yields comparable utility to k−anonymity while at the same time achieving much stronger privacy guarantees.


        Remote monitoring is real time monitoring tool for windows network and analysis through Images by throughput in the network. Here in this project the main concept is to monitor the client system. Through this we can access the client easily and can view the details open by the client in the client system. We can use to monitor the system when client access any unwanted we can monitor it easily. For example in college if student try to access any unwanted application or websites means using this Remote monitoring administrator can access the student pc in the sitting place itself.Here TCP protocol is used to implement this remote monitoring system. Access of client pc is done by the server. This remote monitoring is used in real time companies too.